Friday, February 6, 2009

100 Things about me

I can't even remember when I started this, but now its finished. Some of this you may already now, some if it will be new! If you didn't know me before, you will now!

  1. As I get older, I love my name; Heather

  2. My sis-in-law has the EXACT same name as me; first, middle, last.

  3. We are known as 'Bens Heather' and 'Joes Heather'

  4. My cousin married a Heather, so my maiden name lives on too.

  5. I was 21 when I got married (2 wks shy of 22 yrs)

  6. We met for the 1st time (other than J & H wedding) in Aug '01. Started dating Nov '01, engaged April '02, married June '02.

  7. He knew the moment I stepped out of the car he was going to marry me, I knew shortly after.

  8. We've been married for a little over 6 1/2 years.

  9. We have 4 kids.

  10. Boy, girl, girl, boy

  11. The oldest wasn't quite 4 when we had our last baby.

  12. I got/get irritated when people commented about how close our kids were/are. It's none of their business; it's our family, not theirs.

  13. We would do it the same way over again. We love having our kids close together. The benefits far outweigh the 'disadvantages'.

  14. We are done having kids; unless we fall in that .001%

  15. I loved being pregnant, yes, LOVED it.

  16. I NEVER had morning sickness, ever.

  17. I've been blessed to never have experienced a miscarriage.

  18. All 4 births were natural, no epidural, no pain medicine.

  19. Our 3rd, Katie, was induced, a week past her due date.

  20. Daddy almost missed her delivery, he walked in the room about 30 minutes before she was delivered. Yes; he drove me to the hospital that morning, as it was a scheduled induction. Remind me to tell the story later.

  21. It was harder for me to go from 2 to 3 kids, than any other stage. Going from 3 to 4 was much easier. Having our kids close together, played a big part in this.

  22. My husband drove truck for awhile, meaning he was gone all week or longer. (he still drives, now he's just home every night)

  23. That separation makes you look at things in a whole new light.

  24. I've milked a goat for a summer, well, JHeather & I shared "Milly" for the summer.

  25. I was 8 months pregnant at the time.

  26. Speaking of milking, we milked about 30 cows after we were married (with J & H).

  27. I'm proud to say, I could set up the milk house, fed the cows, and milk them, all by myself; because I did it quite a few times, alot of times!

  28. I was pregnant with our 1st baby at that time.

  29. Did I mention we didn't have a barn cleaner for awhile. How did we clean it? Shovel & wheel borrow. Yes, I did that too, ALOT! :(

  30. I like to look back at my old photo books/scrap books and reminisce.

  31. Sometimes I have a small urge to go back to those days.

  32. Then I look at my kids, and wouldn't trade this for anything.

  33. I love staying at home.

  34. Somedays are crazy.

  35. I love summer and fall.

  36. I never knew that from Sept-Dec was also known as "hunting season", until I met my husband.

  37. I enjoy eating venison; which is good, because my husband enjoys hunting and is quite good at it.

  38. I'd classify myself as a tomboy; definitely not a 'girly girl'

  39. We have a wood stove; which I have a love/hate relationship with.

  40. The time between winter and summer is known as "mud season" around here.

  41. Our driveway is a steep hill; which means mud and snow makes it un-driveable at times.

  42. I have 1 younger sister, and 2 sis-in-laws.

  43. Now I have 2 brother-in-laws.

  44. We live 3 hours from my parents, and within minutes from my in-laws.

  45. This used to drive me nuts.

  46. While Ben was gone trucking I developed a much deeper appreciation for my in-laws and how close we live to them.

  47. I love the colors red & blue.

  48. I'm about a foot shorter than my husband.

  49. My husband is my best friend.

  50. I'm glad we share the same faith in God.

  51. Growing up I lived in the same house the entire time.

  52. Since turning 21 I've moved 6 times.

  53. 3 of those moves occurred since May '08

  54. (We moved to Iowa, moved to another house in Iowa, moved back to WI.)

  55. (The 'Iowa Deal', is another story in itself.)

  56. Our first house was smack dab in the city; we came from 40 acres in the quiet country.

  57. I enjoyed the convience of being in town; my husband went nuts.

  58. Our 2nd house in Iowa, was in the 'sticks'; at least 12 miles to the outskirts of 'town'.

  59. The house was big, spacious, tons of space for the kids.

  60. My husband loved it; it drove me nuts at first, then I loved it.

  61. I was so homesick it hurt.

  62. It was weird having my in-laws come visit us for the entire weekend- usually its just for a meal. :) But we gladly welcomed visitors!

  63. We met strangers, who in a blink of an eye became family to us, taking us in like their own children/grandchildren.

  64. Leaving Iowa was as hard as leaving WI (for me anyways)

  65. To say we miss our 'family' in Iowa, is a huge understatement.

  66. Our kids still talk about things they remember from then.

  67. Did I say our kids are our life?!

  68. Everything we do, includes them.

  69. Meaning, we rarely go out 'alone on a date'.

  70. I can count on one hand the number of times we had a 'night out' since having John (17 mos)

  71. I honestly don't mind it. Don't get me wrong, we enjoy alone time, but we have so much fun with the kids and as a family.

  72. Some Friday nights, my in-laws take some of the kids over night; some weeks I can't wait for Friday, but by Saturday afternoon I miss my kids like crazy!

  73. We are planning to home school our kids.

  74. I try to grow a vegt garden each year. (This year I'm going to make it work, I always say this)

  75. It irritates me when people speak before they think.

  76. I do this all the time- hypocrite :0

  77. I love blogging, almost to the point of being addicted to it.

  78. I spend way too much time on the computer, this is something I'm working on.

  79. I love homemade bread, fresh from the oven! (okay, I cheat-I use my machine to make the dough, then I bake it in the oven)

  80. I love the Little House On The Prairie!

  81. My favorite flower is lilacs.

  82. I've never rode a horse before; (I'm not counting the pony rides at fairs.) My husband rode horses all the time growing up, even in rodeos.

  83. I love riding along in the semi with Benjamin (just on day hauls; never went on an overnight haul, yet)

  84. I've never had sushi, and never care to try it either.

  85. I've eaten deer, moose, elk, pheasant, turkey, duck, buffalo, bear...

  86. I have a bad habit of judging a person based on my 1st impression of them.

  87. From the day we got married, we vowed never to go to bed angry/upset. And we haven't.

  88. I was one of the 1st from my friends to get married, and have a kid(s).
  89. I love to ride 4 wheelers.
  90. I used to water ski, and snowboard; but I'm afraid I lost my touch!
  91. If I don't know you I'm likely to be shy.
  92. If I DO know you, I'll talk your ear off :)
  93. My faith and family are everything to me.
  94. Our house is 'lived in'; call ahead if you are coming please ;)
  95. My 'extended' family goes on and on.. If I'm not related to you, someone I'm related to, is related to YOU!
  96. I want my kids to say I was the best Mom ever!
  97. I'm sad to watch our 'baby days' leave us.
  98. I'm looking forward to the stages that we are entering into.
  99. I worry too much about what other people think.
  100. I am happy with where I am in life- as a wife and as a mother.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! I'm such a procrastinator I don't know if I'd ever get one done...I'm still working on my 25 things ;-)
